Body Safety Program
This school year your child will take part in a Body Safety Program presented by the Blount County Children’s Center. Your child will be taught a 3-part safety rule to use if they ever encounter someone trying to hurt them. SAY NO! GET AWAY! TELL SOMEONE! Review these rules with your child often. Help your child identify 5 adults that they would feel safe telling. Below are some frequently asked questions about the programs.
“Why should we talk about child abuse?”
Child Abuse does not discriminate. Girls and boys of every race, ethnicity, and socio-economic class can be the victims of child abuse. By talking about abuse and encouraging children to talk about it we can bring abuse into the light and work to stop it.
“Is this sex education?”
No. This is a personal safety curriculum. It is specifically designed to teach children how to keep their bodies safe from abuse.
“Will this program scare my child?”
This curriculum avoids using scare tactics with children, and the program’s message is empowering and hopeful. Children should be taught personal safety just like they are taught fire or drug safety.
“Will this make my child afraid of all touch?”
This program teaches three types of touches. They are: Safe Touch, Unsafe Touch, and Confusing Touch.
Safe touch makes us feel safe and cared for. Examples: a goodnight kiss, handshakes, pats on the back or a hug (if the child wants a hug).
Unsafe touch is a touch that leaves bruises, cuts, welts or broken bones and hurts for a long time. This is very different from a spanking.
Confusing touch is when another person tries to look at or touch a child’s private parts for no reason or wants the child to do the same to them. Private parts are the parts of the body covered by a bathing suit. The children are taught that the only reason for someone to touch their private parts is to keep them clean (help in the bathroom) or to keep them healthy (going to the doctor or putting medicine on them).
5.“Should I follow up this program with training at home?” Most definitely! Child abuse prevention is not accomplished in the 30 minutes that the program lasts. It is important to continue these discussions with your child. Encourage your child to talk to you or one of their safe adults about anything. Help your child to understand that their body belongs to them, and no one has the right to touch them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable or hurts them. Empower your child to protect his or her body!
If you suspect child abuse, report it to DHR at (205)274-5200 or Law Enforcement. For more information, contact the Blount County Children’s Center at (205)274-7226.